user := User{Name: "Jinzhu", Age: 18, Birthday: time.Now()}
db.NewRecord(user) // => returns `true` as primary key is blank
db.NewRecord(user) // => return `false` after `user` created
Default Values
You can define a field’s default value with a tag. For example:
type Animal struct { ID int64 Name string`gorm:"default:'galeone'"` Age int64 }
Then the inserting SQL will exclude those fields that have no value or zero values. After inserting the record into the database, gorm will load those fields’ value from the database.
var animal = Animal{Age: 99, Name: ""} db.Create(&animal) // INSERT INTO animals("age") values('99'); // SELECT name from animals WHERE ID=111; // the returning primary key is 111 // animal.Name => 'galeone'
NOTE all fields having a zero value, like 0, '', false or other zero values, won’t be saved into the database but will use its default value. If you want to avoid this, consider using a pointer type or scanner/valuer, e.g:
// Use pointer value type User struct { gorm.Model Name string Age *int`gorm:"default:18"` }
// Use scanner/valuer type User struct { gorm.Model Name string Age sql.NullInt64 `gorm:"default:18"` }
Setting Field Values In Hooks
If you want to update a field’s value in BeforeCreate hook, you can use scope.SetColumn, for example: